
“Know Yourself”, “Help Yourself”, “Seicoleg ar gyfer Dymis”… Mae cannoedd o gyhoeddiadau ac erthyglau, profion a chyfweliadau yn ein sicrhau y gallwn helpu ein hunain … fel seicolegwyr. Ydy, mae hyn yn wir, mae arbenigwyr yn cadarnhau, ond nid ym mhob sefyllfa a dim ond hyd at bwynt penodol.

“Why do we need these psychologists?” Indeed, why on earth should we share our most personal, most intimate secrets with a stranger, and even pay him for it, when the bookshelves are littered with bestsellers promising us to «discover our true self» or «get rid of hidden psychological problems» ? Isn’t it possible, having prepared well, to help yourself?

Nid yw mor hawdd, mae'r seicdreiddiwr Gerard Bonnet yn oeri ein brwdfrydedd: “Peidiwch â gobeithio dod yn seicdreiddiwr i chi'ch hun, oherwydd ar gyfer y swydd hon mae angen i chi ymbellhau oddi wrthych chi'ch hun, sy'n eithaf anodd i'w wneud. Ond mae'n eithaf posibl gwneud gwaith annibynnol os ydych chi'n cytuno i ryddhau'ch anymwybod a gweithio gyda'r arwyddion y mae'n eu rhoi. Sut i'w wneud?

Chwiliwch am symptomau

This technique underlies all psychoanalysis. It was starting from introspection, or rather, from one of his dreams, which went down in history under the name «Dream about the injection of Irma», Sigmund Freud in July 1895 brought out his theory of dreams.

We can perfectly use this technique and apply it to ourselves, using all the symptoms that the unconscious reveals to us: not only dreams, but also things that we forgot to do, slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, strange occurrences — everything that happens to us quite often.

Mae'n well cofnodi mewn dyddiadur bopeth sy'n digwydd yn y modd mwyaf rhydd, heb boeni am arddull na chydlyniad.

“You need to regularly dedicate a certain time to this,” says Gerard Bonnet. — At least 3-4 times a week, best of all in the morning, barely waking up, we should remember the previous day, paying special attention to dreams, omissions, episodes that seemed strange. It is better to record in a diary everything that happens in the most free manner, thinking about associations and not worrying about style or any kind of coherence. Then we can go to work so that in the evening or the next day in the morning we can return to what we have written and calmly reflect on it in order to see the connection and meaning of events more clearly.

Between the ages of 20 and 30, Leon, now 38, began carefully writing down his dreams in a notebook, and then adding to them the free associations he had. “At the age of 26, something extraordinary happened to me,” he says. — I tried several times to pass the driver’s license test, and all in vain. And then one night I dreamed that I was flying along the highway in a red car and overtaking someone. Having overtaken for the second time, I felt extraordinary bliss! I woke up with this sweet feeling. With an incredibly clear image in my head, I told myself that I could do it. As if my unconscious gave me an order. And a few months later, I was actually driving a red car!”

What happened? What «click» caused such a change? This time it did not even require complex interpretation or symbolic analysis of the dreams, since Leon was satisfied with the simplest, most superficial explanation that he gave himself.

Mae torri'n rhydd yn bwysicach na dod o hyd i esboniad

Often we are driven by a strong desire to clarify our actions, mistakes, dreams. Many psychologists consider this a mistake. This is not always necessary. Sometimes it is enough to get rid of the image, to «expel» it without trying to explain it, and the symptom disappears. Change does not happen because we think we have figured ourselves out.

Nid dehongli signalau'r anymwybodol yn gywir yw'r pwynt, mae'n bwysicach o lawer ei ryddhau o'r delweddau hynny sy'n codi'n ddiddiwedd yn ein pen. Ein chwantau anymwybodol yn unig am gael eu clywed. Mae'n gorchymyn i ni heb yn wybod i ni pan fydd am anfon neges i'n hymwybyddiaeth.

We should not dive too deep into ourselves: we will quickly meet with self-indulgence

Roedd Marianne, sy’n 40 oed, yn credu am amser hir fod ei hofnau nosweithiol a’i rhamantau anhapus yn ganlyniad perthynas anodd gyda’i thad absennol: “Edrychais ar bopeth trwy brism y perthnasoedd hyn a meithrin yr un perthnasoedd niwrotig ag “amhriodol. ” dynion. Ac yna un diwrnod breuddwydiais fod fy nain ar fy nhad, yr oeddwn yn byw gyda hi yn fy ieuenctid, yn ymestyn ei dwylo ataf ac yn crio. Yn y bore, pan oeddwn yn ysgrifennu’r freuddwyd, daeth y darlun o’n perthynas gymhleth â hi yn sydyn yn gwbl amlwg i mi. Nid oedd dim i'w ddeall. Ton a gododd o'r tu mewn, a'm llethu yn gyntaf, ac yna a'm rhyddhaodd.

It is useless to torment ourselves, asking ourselves whether our explanation fits this or that of our manifestation. “Freud was at first completely concentrated on the interpretation of dreams, and in the end he came to the conclusion that only the free expression of ideas is important,” remarks Gérard Bonnet. He believes that well-conducted introspection should lead to positive results. «Our mind is freed, we can get rid of a lot of symptoms, such as obsessive-compulsive behavior that affects our relationships with other people.»

Mae Terfynau i Mewnwelediad

Ond mae gan yr ymarfer hwn ei derfynau. Mae’r seicdreiddiwr Alain Vanier yn credu na ddylai rhywun blymio’n rhy ddwfn i mewn i’ch hun: “Byddwn yn cwrdd yn gyflym â rhwystrau a chyda’r llacrwydd anochel ein hunain. Mewn seicdreiddiad rydym yn dechrau o'r gŵyn, a'r iachâd yw ein cyfeirio at y man lle mae'n brifo, yn union lle rydym wedi adeiladu rhwystrau nad ydynt byth i edrych yno. Dyma ble mae craidd y broblem.”

Wyneb yn wyneb â ni ein hunain, ceisiwn beidio â gweld y rhyfeddodau hynny a all ein synnu.

What is hidden in the very depths of the unconscious, what is its core? — this is exactly what our consciousness, our own «I» does not dare to face: a zone of suffering repressed in childhood, inexpressible for each of us, even for those whom life has only spoiled since then. How can you bear to go and examine your wounds, open them, touch them, press on the sore spots that we have hidden under the veil of neuroses, strange habits or delusions?

“Face to face with ourselves, we try not to see those oddities that can take us by surprise: amazing slips of the tongue, mysterious dreams. We will always find a reason not to see this — any reason will be good for this. That is why the role of a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst is so important: they help us overcome our own internal boundaries, to do what we cannot do alone, ”concludes Alain Vanier. “On the other hand,” adds Gerard Bonnet, “if we engage in introspection before, during, or even after a course of therapy, its effectiveness will be many times greater.” So self-help and a course of psychotherapy do not exclude each other, but expand our ability to work on ourselves.

Gadael ymateb